Learn and Retain Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 14 With This Word List and Quizlet

Learn and Retain Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 14 With This Word List and Quizlet

Learn and Retain Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 14 With This Word List and Quizlet

Word List

  1. beatific
    (adj.) blissful; rendering or making blessed
  2. imminent
    (adj.) about to happen, threatening
  3. behemoth
    (n.) a creature of enormous size, power, or appearance
  4. innate
    (adj.) natural, inborn, inherent; built–in
  5. blandishment
    (n., often pl.) anything designed to flatter or coax; sweet talk, apple-polishing
  6. loath
    (adj.) unwilling, reluctant, disinclined
  7. cacophonous
    (adj.) harsh-sounding, raucous, discordant, dissonant
  8. manifest
    (adj.) clear, evident to the eyes or mind; (v.) to show plainly, exhibit, evince; (n.) a list of cargo and/or passengers
  9. chicanery
    (n.) trickery, deceptive practices or tactics, double–dealing
  10. minutiae
    (n.) small or trivial details, trifling matters
  11. consign
    (v.) to give over to another’s care, charge, or control; to entrust, deliver; to set apart for a special use
  12. moratorium
    (n.) a suspension of activity; an official waiting period; an authorized period of delay
  13. coup
    (n.) a highly successful stroke, masterstroke, tour de force, act, plan, or stratagem; a sudden takeover of power or leadership
  14. nostrum
    (n.) an alleged cure-all; a remedy or scheme of questionable effectiveness
  15. euphemism
    (n.) a mild or inoffensive expression used in place of a harsh or unpleasant one; a substitute
  16. pariah
    (n.) one who is rejected by a social group or organization
  17. febrile
    (adj.) feverish; pertaining to or marked by fever; frenetic
  18. visionary
    (adj.) not practical, lacking in realism; having the nature of a fantasy or dream; (n.) one given to far–fetched ideas; a dreamer or seer characterized by vision or foresight
  19. gainsay
    (v.) to deny, contradict, controvert; to dispute, oppose
  20. wizened
    (adj., part.) dry, shrunken, and wrinkled (often as the result of aging)

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